Tuesday, February 7, 2012

God is with me

All along this journey, so far, I have had peace from God about this decision.  And occasionally, I get little affirmations along the way.

Recent ones include:

  • The classes for Fostering are going to be hosted (for the first time ever) at my own church.  What a blessing to be at one of the places I feel at home among, hopefully, others I fellowship with weekly!
  • I was hoping to buy a small baby swing at a local children's thrift store.  The owner asked me if I sewed (of course...Mom was a home ec. teacher, after all!) and then told me it was missing a small piece but it just needed someone who could sew a new one on.  Because of that he couldn't sell it to me, but he could give it to me!  Free swing!
  • Amazing connection!  A friend of mine read this blog and connected me with her sister-in-law on Facebook.  She has been doing single momma foster parenting for 4 years now.  What a blessing to be encouraged by her story and have her as a connection, kindred spirit, and resource.  Read her blog, seriously, do it.
God is so good to me!

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